Publications of the Working Group
- SARA-Dienst: Software langfristig verfügbar machen. o-bib : Das offene Bibliotheksjournal.
- SARA Service: Long-Term Access and Publishing of Research Data and Software Artefacts. 4. bwHPC-Symposium 2017. (DINI-Jahrestagung 2017 poster, E-Science-Tage 2017 poster.)
- X.509 User Certificate-based Two-Factor Authentication for Web Applications. 10. DFN-Forum Kommunikationstechnologien. ( technical report.)
- User-Friendly, Versatile, and Efficient Multi-link DNS Service Discovery. 2016 IEEE 36th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems Workshops (ICDCSW).
- Realistic, Extensible DNS and mDNS Models for INET/OMNeT++. OMNeT++ Community Summit 2015.
- Efficient hash tables for network applications. SpringerPlus.
- JSXC: Adding Encrypted Chat with 3 Lines of Code. NetSys 2015.
- A Multicast-Avoiding Privacy Extension for the Avahi Zeroconf Daemon. NetSys 2015.
- Boost DNS Privacy, Reliability, and Efficiency with opDNS Safe Query Elimination. NetSys 2015.
- Versatile and Efficient Multi-Link DNS Service Discovery. Technical Report.
- Efficient Privacy Preserving Multicast DNS Service Discovery. IEEE CSS '14 (PPCSS Workshop).
- Adding Privacy to Multicast DNS Service Discovery. IEEE TrustCom '14 (EFINS Workshop). (Technical Report.)
- SIEGE: Service-Independent Enterprise-GradE protection against password scans. 7. DFN-Forum Kommunikationstechnologien.
- Chat für Forschung und Lehre? Sicher! DFN-Mitteilungen 86.
- Interaktive Webseiten für effiziente Kooperation auf Basis offener Standards. Technical Report.
- Flexible Secure Cloud Storage. Dissertation.
- Stateless DNS. Distributed System Laboratory.
- Network Traffic Exposed and Concealed. Dissertation.
- Evolutionary Tree-Structured Storage: Concepts, Interfaces, and Applications. Dissertation.
- Analysis of Cognitive Radio Enabled Flooding in Opportunistic Networks. International Journal of Communications, Network and System Sciences.
- Utilizing Photo Sharing Websites for Cloud Storage Backends. Technical Report.
- Utilizing Cloud Storages for iSCSI: Is Security really expensive? Technical Report.
- "You can find my CV on LinkedIn..." - Privacy-Aware Distributed Social Networking for Research Facilities. Technical Report.
- Universelle Traversierung von NAT-Geräten. Informatiktage 2013.
- Versatile key management for secure cloud storage. DISCCO '12. (Preprint.)
- Efficient BitTorrent handshake obfuscation. P2P-Dep '12.
- BitTorrent Traffic Obfuscation: a Chase towards Semantic Traffic Identification. P2P '12.
- P2P-RMI: Transparent Distribution of Remote Java Objects. International Journal of Computer Networks & Communications.
- A Legal and Technical Perspective on Secure Cloud Storage. 5. DFN-Forum Kommunikationstechnologien.
- bwIDM: Föderieren auch nicht-webbasierter Dienste auf Basis von SAML. 5. DFN-Forum Kommunikationstechnologien.
- Adaptive NAT-Traversierung. Forum: das Forschungsmagazin der Hochschule Konstanz.
- Polybius: Secure Web Single-Sign-On for Legacy Applications. 4. DFN-Forum Kommunikationstechnologien.
- NAT Hole Punching Revisited. LCN '11, Poster. (Technical Report.)
- Secure Access to Cloud-based Gateway based upon XML and Web Services. ECOWS '11, PhD Symposium.
- Hecate, Managing Authorization with RESTful XML. WS-REST '11.
- Questioning Flooding as a Routing Benchmark in Opportunistic Networks. BCFIC '11.
- Optimizing Message Delivery in Mobile-Opportunistic Networks. BCFIC '11.
- Rolling Boles, Optimal XML Structure Integrity for Updating Operations. WWW '11, Poster.
- Treetank, Desigining a versioned XML storage. XMLPrague '11, Poster.
- Evaluation and Innovation in Opportunistic Networks. Dissertation.
- A comparative analysis of nat hole punching. HTWG FORUM - Das Forschungsmagazin der HTWG Konstanz.
- Prediction quality of contact history in opportunistic networks. IFIP Wireless Days '12.
- Exploiting Degrees of Freedom for Efficient Hashing in Network Applications.
- Integrity Assurance for RESTful XML. WISM '10.
- CallForge: Call Anonymity in Cellular Networks. IWSSI / SPMU.
- JAX-RX - Unified REST Access to XML Resources. Technical Report.
- Analysis and efficient classification of P2P file sharing traffic. Technical Report.
- TreeTank, a native XML storage. Technical Report.
- jSCSI 2.0: Multithreaded Low-Level Distributed Block Access. Technical Report.
- An XML-Based Infrastructure to Enhance Geographic Visual Analytics. CaGIS '09.
- PathForge: Faithful Anonymization of Movement Data. MobiHeld -- SIGCOMM 2009 Workshop.
- Interactive Analysis of NetFlows for Misuse Detection in Large IP Networks. 2. DFN-Forum Kommunikationstechnologien -- Verteilte Systeme im Wissenschaftsbereich.
- A Survey of Hash Tables with Summaries for IP Lookup Applications. Technical Report.
- Packet Forwarding using Efficient Hash Tables. Technical Report.
- Streamlined Workflow for Large-Scale Interactive Geographic Visual Analytics. GIScience '08.
- Temporal REST - How to Really Exploit XML. WWW/Internet '08.
- Distributing XML with Focus on Parallel Evaluation. DBISP2P '08.
- Consistent Deniable Lying: Privacy in Mobile Social Networks. SPMU '08.
- I Seek for Knowledge: Exploiting Social Properties in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. IFIP Wireless Days '08.
- Reality-Check for DTN Routing Algorithms. ICDCSW '08.
- Growing Persistent Trees into the 21st Century. Technical Report.
- Large-scale Network Monitoring for Visual Analysis of Attacks. Visualization for Computer Security '08.
- Major Domus Redux: Privacy in Mobile P2P Networks. Technical Report.
- Nuntifix-Modeling of Delay Tolerant Networks. Technical Report.
- Perfidix - A Generic Java Benchmarking Tool. JAZOON '07.
- jSCSI - A Java iSCSI Initiator. JAZOON '07.
- Bloom Filters: One Size Fits All? LCN '07.
- Replica Placement and Location using Distributed Hash Tables. LCN '07.
- Light-weight End-to-End QoS as DoS Prevention. LCN '07. (Preprint.)
- Pushing XPath Accelerator to its Limits. EXPDB 2006.
- Shifting the interests in high-speed DoS prevention. Technical Report.
- Stealth DoS. MonAM 2006.
- Exploring Block Access Patterns of Native XML Storage. InfoVis 2006.
- Bringing Efficient Advanced Queries to Distributed Hash Tables. LCN 2004.
- Routing Bandwidth Guaranteed Paths With Restoration in Label Switched Networks. Computer Networks 2004.
- Fast and Flexible CRC Calculation. Electronics Letters 2004.
- The Role of Network Processors in Active Networks. IWAN 2003.
- Secure Distributed Document Storage Through Peer-to-Peer Technology. Talk.
- Efficient Document Search and Replica Management in Peer-to-Peer Storage Systems. Talk.
- Dynamic Replica Management in Distributed Hash Tables. Technical Report.
- Synchronizing Entities in Replicated Log-Structured Databases with Disconnected Operation. Technical Report.
- Establishing Trust in Distributed Storage Providers. P2P 2003.
- Efficient Buffer Management for Scalable Media-on-Demand. MMCN 2003.
- Closed-Loop Congestion Control for Mixed Responsive and Non-Responsive Traffic. Globecom 2003.
- PURPLE: Predictive Active Queue Management Utilizing Congestion Information. LCN 2003.
- Profile-Based Routing and Traffic Engineering. Computer Communications 2003.
- Creating Advanced Functions on Network Processors: Experience and Perspectives. IEEE Network 2003.
- PowerNP Network Processor: Hardware, Software and Applications. IBM Journal of R & D 2003.
- Indra: A Peer-to-Peer Approach to Network Intrusion Detection and Prevention. WET ICE 2003, Best Paper.
- Efficient Topology-Aware Overlay Network. CCR 2003.
- Routing and Data Location in Overlay Peer-to-Peer Networks. HotNets 2002, Technical Report.
- Achieving Scalable and Efficient Video-on-Demand Over Multicast. Technical Report.
- Imprecise Multicast Routing for Scalable Information Distribution. IZS 2002.
- Issues and Trends in Terabit Switching. Computer Communications 2002.
- Protocol Wrappers for Layered Network Packet Processing in Reconfigurable Networks. Micro 2002.
- GOSSIB vs. IP Traceback Rumors. ACSAC 2002.
- Fuzzycast: Efficient Video-on-Demand over Multicast. IEEE Infocom 2002.
- Efficient Media-on-demand over multiple Multicast groups. Global Internet 2001.
- Dimensioning Server Access Bandwidth and Multicast Routing in Overlay Networks. NOSSDAV 2001.
- EKA: Efficient Keyserver using ALMI. WET ICE 2001, Best Paper.
- ALMI: An Application Level Multicast Infrastructure. USITS 2001.
- Fuzzycast: Media Broadcasting for Multiple Asynchronous Receivers. Technical Report.
- Routing Bandwidth Guaranteed Paths With Restoration in Label Switched Networks. ICNP 2001.
- Profile-Based Routing: A New Framework for MPLS Traffic Engineering. QofIS 2001, LNCS 2156.
- Reconfigurable Router Modules Using Network Protocol Wrappers. FPL 2001, LNCS 2147.
- Layered Protocol Wrappers for Internet Packet Processing in Reconfigurable Hardware. HotI 2001.
- Fast Incremental CRC Updates for IP over ATM Networks. HPSR 2001.
- Scalable High-Speed Prefix Matching. TOCS 2001.
- Java-Based Synchronized Keyserver. Talk.
- Large-Scale Internet Data Distribution. Talk.
- A Rate-based End-to-end Multicast Congestion Control Protocol. ISCC 2000.
- Multi-dimensional Prefix Matching Using Line Search. LCN 2000.
- Fast Longest Prefix Matching: Algorithms, Analysis, and Applications. Shaker 2000.
- Space Decomposition Techniques for Fast Layer-4 Switching. PfHSN '99, Kluwer IFIP 158.
- The VersaKey Framework: Versatile Group Key Management. JSAC 1999.
- A Flexible Middleware for Multimedia Communication: Design, Implementation, and Experience. JSAC 1999.
- Fast and Scalable Layer Four Switching. SIGCOMM '98.
- Scalable Best Matching Prefix Lookups. PODC '98. (Slides.)
- Efficient Security for Large and Dynamic Multicast Groups. WET ICE '98.
- Project Da CaPo++, Volume III: Performance Evaluation. Technical Report.
- Crossbow: A Toolkit for Integrated Services over Cell Switched IPv6. ATM '97.
- Scalable High Speed IP Routing Table Lookups. SIGCOMM '97.
- Project Da CaPo++, Volume II: Implementation Documentation. Technical Report.
- Project Da CaPo++, Volume I: Architectural and Detailed Design. Technical Report.
- Da CaPo++: Communication Support for Distributed Applications. Technical Report.
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